
  Adds expander effect to the audio data array. The expander is essentially an amplifier with a variable gain control.



Thres Hold

Certain level for threshold, in db. Varies from -92 to 0.


Rate of mixing signals, in percent. Varies from 1 (minimal effect) to 100 (maximal effect).

RMS Time

Time for root-mean-square calculation, in ms. Usually RMS Time is equal to 100 ms.


  1. See also: Apply a Special Effect or Filter

  2. N db = 20 lg (Pn/P0)

    N - number of db.
    Pn - Level of sound pressure in pascals.
    P0 = 2*105 pascals.

  3. The expander is a type of dynamic processor. As the name implies, it increases the dynamic range of a signal such that low level signals are attenuated while the louder portions are neither attenuated or amplified.

  4. This behavior is opposite to that of the Compressor.

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